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Theo Marples' Show Dogs: Their Points and Characteristics. How to Breed for Prizes and Profit was published as a second edition, no date, but believed to be around 1914.


On page 192, he wrote:

The Bearded Collie is a very old Scottish variety, and indigenous to Scotland, but undoubtedly is a member of the same family as the Old English Sheepdog, both of which no doubt have had one common origin. The breed is kept largely in the mountainous districts of Scotland, and is a dog that is valued for his all-round utility. The breed is quite distinct from either the Collie or Old English Sheepdog, and although recognized as such and frequently exhibited in Scotland, it has not yet come under the direct ken of the fancier and showman. In this way no standard description and points have been evolved for the breed, the type and merit of the dogs exhibited being left entirely to the individual judgment and opinion of the gentlemen who have adjudicated upon them.

The late Mr. Panmure Gordon was a great admirer of the breed and amongst present-day zealots may be mentioned Mr. J. C. Dalgliesh, MIss Meryl Thynne, Mrs. Alastair Campbell, Mr. A. Brewster Macpherson, and others.

The Scottish Bearded Collie or Sheepdog resembles the Old English Sheepdog in the shagginess of his coat, in ears and head, but he is a somewhat smaller dog, more snipy in muzzle, and has the suggestion of a "Billygoat" beard under his jaw, with, of course, the difference that his caudal appendage is not removed as in the case of his English cousin.

Their colours are mostly grizzle, sandy, black, and blue, with the varying complement of white markings.

The chief points to look for in the selection of Bearded Collie puppies are much the same as for the Old English Sheepdog.

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