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When trying to put forth the books written by Hugh Dalziel, it can be very confusing. Therefore, perhaps the following will help any interested viewer.

Breaking and Training Dogs

Hugh Dalziel used the pseudonym name of "Corsincon." He first co-authored Part II of Breaking and Training Dogs with H. C. Dear (who used the pseudonym "Pathfinder") in 1875. The second edition seems to be available under two dates. Some books have a publishing date of 1885 and are listed as a "Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged." However, the same exact information appeared in a 1903 edition. The latter edition included a discussion on "Sheepdogs as Stock-Tenders." It is likely that the words below are exactly, or similar, to what he wrote in the 1875 first edition.:

"There are many varieties of sheepdog, the most distinct and widest difference being between the Scotch colley and the old English sheepdog. These two differ very much in appearance. The English sheepdog, which is found in the highest perfection in the South and West, is a much shorter, thicker, and altogether clumsier-made dog than the colley, and often shows the peculiarity of being tailless, or almost so. The Scotch dog is of very elegant shape, different greatly in quantity and colour of coat, from short, to long and shaggy hair. Both varieties, however, possess the same high intelligence and singular aptitude in the care and management of sheep and cattle."

British Dogs (1879)

One of the earliest written use of the words "Bearded Colley" in a book was presented by Hugh Dalziel, in British Dogs: Their Varieties, History, Characteristics, Breeding, Management, and Exhibition. London: The Bazaar Office, 1879 (495 pages). Dalziel stated on the title page that he was "assisted by eminent fanciers," but the sections entitled "The Scotch Colley," "The Smooth-coated Colley," "The Bearded Colley," and "The English Sheepdog or Drover's Dog were all authored by Dalziel (as it appeared in the book).

Dalziel described himself as a canine critic for The Field, Kennel Editor of The Country, and a judge in which capacities he had visited many of the great exhibitions of the canine species in France, Germany and America, as well as all the principal ones in the United Kingdom.

In the last paragraph of the book's preface, Dalziel wrote:

"The illustrations are from life, celebrated 'dogs of the Day' having been selected, and the artists have, in most instances, succeeded in giving very correct delineations, showing the distinguishing characteristics of each breed."

A reprint of his 1879 book was likely reprinted some time after 1884 but before 1888. There was no publishing date, but ads in the back of the book were dated to 1884. An image of the cover of this reprinted book appears below.

In the reprinted book, on page 208, Dalziel wrote:


By Corsincon.

In the west of Scotland there is a rough-faced and very shaggy-coated dog called the bearded colley, differing mainly from the true colley in being rough-faced, rather heavier built, altogether less elegant, and with a shaggier and harsher coat.

I think they must be a cross with a rough hound, otter hound, or deerhound—probably the former."

Note: Col. David Hancock's view was that any cross of a Beardie with the deerhound likely occurred to make the deerhound brainier and more responsive to training and not to alter the Beardie in any way. Others have said the Deerhound and Greyhound were bred into the Beardies to give the Beardies extra speed. This extra speed was needed, according to such accounts, so that Beardies could chase down their food supply.

Dalziel also included a few words on page 389 for the section entitled "Chapter XXX. "Standard of Excellence. For Dogs Useful to Man." In that chapter, he set out what points should be considered for the Rough Coated Colley, the Smooth Colley, and the Bob Tailed Sheep Dog, all being the same, except the Smooth Colley should have ten points taken from the coat and given to symmetry instead. The "Bearded Colley" was also listed, and Dalziel wrote:

"Rarely shown, and no scale of points have been allotted."

Dalziel used the words "Rough Coated Colley" in the latter section of the book as opposed to the words "Scotch Colley" used in the first division of the book (this section was entitled "Dogs Useful to Man in Other Work Than Field Sports"). He apparently was using the words "Scotch Colley" to mean a synonym for the "Rough Coated Collie." Included in the book (seen below) were illustrations for both the rough-coated and smooth-coated collies.


Dalziel did not hesitate to criticize other writers for referring to the Scotch Colley as a Highland collie:

"There has been an attempt made by recent writers to circumscribe the national character of this dog by calling him the Highland colley, as though he were peculiar to the north of Scotland."

A Monograph on the Collie

Dalziel also published a monograph entitled The Collie: Its History, Points, and Breeding. London: L. Upcott Gill, 1888.

Third, fourth, and fifth editions were revised by J. Maxtee, in 1904, 1921 and 1923 respectively. In those editions, Maxtee renamed the book to the title The Collie: As a Show Dog, Companion and Worker.

Copy of the cover for the fifth edition appears below:

In the fifth edition, page 10, the Bearded Collie was discussed, though it is not known whether those same words were in the earlier third and fourth editions:

"It has been shown, therefore, that two varieties of Collie are generally found. There is, however, a third, known as the Bearded Collie, a sort of combination of Collie and Old English Sheepdog. This last is essentially a worker, and mostly confined to districts in Scotland having noted Sheep-markets—Perth, Stirling, and Falkirk. A glance at the Plate will show at once the kind of dog that the Bearded Collie is. So far, it has not become very popular as a show-dog, though at some of the Northern exhibitions, a classification is found for it. The late Mr. Panmure Gordon was an enthusiastic admirer of this dog, and the illustration given was made from a photograph of one of his dogs. The late Mr. Thomson Gray also affected this variety. The Bearded Collie, unlike the Old English Sheepdog, is allowed to retain the whole of the tail, which is bushy and should be carried low. The ears droop, and hang close to the head, instead of being semi-erect like the other collies. The fore-legs are very muscular. Though not carrying the coat of the Old English Sheepdog of the present day, the jacket is abundant and hard, so far as the outside portion is concerned, while the undercoat is soft and short. Altogether, the variety is alike distinctive and well worthy of greater encouragement at the hands of show committees and others."

Panmure Gordon's dog, Jock, was not in the 1888 edition of The Collie. Jock was likely not yet born. Jock did appear in the 1904, and later, editions authored by Maxtee. This same picture also appeared in a 1903 third edition of British Dogs authorted by Drury and Others. It also appeared in Count Henri Bylandt's 1904 edition of his book entitled Les Races de Chiens. The image appears below.

British Dogs (3 Volume Edition)

Dalziel's book was later published in three volumes but renamed to become British Dogs: The History, Characteristics, Breeding, Management and Exhibition of the Various Breeds of Dogs Established in Great Britain. London: L. Upcott Gill, (a three volume set published from 1888 to 1897). Vol. I, 503 pp. (which covered breeds of dog); Vol. II, 526 pp. (which also covered breeds of dog); and Vol. III, 534 pp (covering practical kennel management).

In Volume II, page 44, note how the spelling of "colley" now was being spelled as "collie." He wrote:

"The bearded Collie of the South of Scotland, which I at one time thought it probable was a cross with the Deerhound or Otter-hound, may perhaps more probably be the result of a union between Collie and English Sheepdog; he certainly possesses features such a cross might account for."

In this three volume edition, at least four different images of the collie were included. The images are labeled.


Thanks to Col. David Hancock, the noted dog historian, some of the confusion surrounding Dalziel's British Dogs has been made much clearer. Panmure Gordon wrote the section on collies for Dalziel (who was solely responsible for up to and including Chapter XXI of Volume III); Thomson Gray, author of Dogs of Scotland, also contributed to this volume. W. D. Drury edited Volume III in 1896.

Drury (who served more as an editor than an author of original work) separately wrote a third edition of the book entitled British Dogs: Their Points, Selection, and Show Preparation, London: L. Upcott Gill, 1903. He was assisted by other writers. These collaborators were listed by name, and Panmure Gordon was listed as a "Specialist" for the Collies section (which likely contained the same wording as what was in the Dalziel's second edition). Panmure's Beardie dog, Jock, appeared as Fig. 41 on page 147.

The Bearded Collie was discussed on page 148 in Drury's edited book, and the words seemed to be similar to what was written above in the fifth edition of The Collie: As a Show Dog, Companion and Worker.

"As will be gathered from this, there are two varieties of Collie as generally accepted—the Rough and the Smooth; but there is also a third, the Bearded Collie (Fig. 41), which is often found in the sheep-markets of Perth, Stirling, and Falkirk. This is a purely working type of dog, and appears to be a combination of the Collie proper and the Old English Sheepdog. Unlike the latter, however, it is not bob-tailed."

There was also a companion book entitled British Dogs, Volume II. Kennel Management, The Physiology of the Dog; Breeding, Management and Training for the Show Bench, the Field, or as Companions; with a Chapter on Diseases—their Causes and Treatment by Drury & Others. London: L. Upcott Gill. It does not bear a date, but an advertisement in the back of that book stated:

"Practical Kennel Management. A complete Treatise on the Proper Management of Dogs for the Show Bench, the Field, or as Companions; with a Chapter on Diseases—their Causes and Treatment. A Companion Volume to "British Dogs." By W. D. Drury, assisted by well-known Specialists. Illustrated. "

It is possible that the book (copy of a cover is shown below) was printed separately prior to 1903. Or perhaps it was a reprinted book of the Volume III edited by Drury in 1896. Or perhaps it was published to be a companion piece to Drury's 1903 edited book. Col. Hancock has indicated that the publications may have been serialized by L. Upcott Gill, which would explain the numerous dates.

The frontispiece of the book shown above included a colour image of a collie dog. It was also included in Dalziel's 3-volume work.

The frontispiece of the book shown above included a colour image of the same image included in Dalziel's 3-volume work.

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